Tuesday, 7 December 2021




Please consult your oncologist and show him/her the success stories as published by Stanford oncologist before considering anything mentioned in this post. It is meant only for information purposes. 

In my earlier post I have compiled a list of repurposed drugs found effective against cancer. The beauty about this approach is that in almost all cases one does not need to change their first line therapy prescribed by their oncologist. The repurposed drug/s can be taken as an adjuvant therapy. Cancer is the most cunning and ferocious living thing on this planet. One can not expect to beat it with just a mono therapy. Repurposing drugs opens up an opportunity to safely attack it from multiple fronts ensuring much better chances of surviving it. 

This post is about a paper that came out recently in Clinical Oncology Journal by Dr. Sandy Srinivas and team from Stanford University Medical Center. This paper shares with us incredible results of using Fenbendazole on advanced stage cancer patients making them completely cancer free! Even though number of cases shared are only 3 what is astounding is that there was complete response in 3 out of 3 lasting 9 and 10 months at the time of paper. Every cancer patient should get excited by this as Fenbendazole should have a wide application across many cancers. 

Fenbendazole is a cheap, easily available anti parasitic drug used in veterinary care. In the case studies they had administered 1 gram every alternate day or 3 times a week. This dose was very well tolerated. 

                           Dr. Sandy Srinivas 

The first patient has kindly shared his name and experience with the public. Joseph Clark in his in words:

“ I had stage 4 kidney cancer that had spread to my IVC, right atrium of my heart, both lungs, pancreas, hip and spine. In April of 2019 I was deemed terminally ill with six months to live. Last ditch treatment was immunotherapy. I was given 3 half doses and it was determined that I became highly toxic from the treatment which caused pancolitis. Treatment was terminated. Now first week of August started taking Fenbendozol NO vitamins no CBD. Now second week of October 2019 MRI scans at Stanford shows my largest tumor in my left kidney was GONE! All other tumors shrinking considerably! Now January 2020 Stanford MRI scans show no evidence of disease!! (NED) all cancer gone! I’m still taking Fenbendozol 3 days on four days off consistently. STANFORD now producing Fenbendozol in there lab for human study ! I’m living proof of Fenbendozol treatment with no vitamins. It doesn’t mean vitamins won’t help but they aren’t needed to kill cancer cells either. All my records are proof positive and can be reviewed.”


Many repurposed drugs do show some response in cancers. I have myself listed 25 leading candidates that have shown some efficacy. But the challenge with all so far is that not yet tried in human cancer patients, showing only partial response which is transient, drug resistance sets in or toxicity in healthy cells becomes an issue for long term use. Fenbendazole seems to have cleared all these hurdles. So what makes it so successful against cancer when a thousand other attempts have failed?:

1. Cancer is quite wily and can easily outsmart a monotherapy. So for any drug to have a chance to succeed it must have a multi-modal action against cancer. Fenbendazole attacks cancer in 4 known ways:

2. It partially destabilizes microtubule polymerization. What it means is that it disrupts an important process in cancer survival which leads for some of the cancer cells towards mitotic arrest and apoptosis – means makes some of the cancer cells die.

3. It inhibits cancer cell's proteasomal machinery. This means that the garbage disposal system to remove excess proteins from cancer cells becomes disabled. This leads to build up of proteins in cancer cells leading to its death.

4. P53 is an important tumor suppressor gene. It’s protein plays a very important role in controlling cancers. For example when DNA is damaged P53 decides whether it can be repaired or whether it should go for apoptosis. If it decides it can be repaired it activates DNA repair genes to complete the task. If decision is that it’s irreparable then it activates cell self destruction. Specifically regarding cancers it supervises cell division to ensure there is no uncontrolled or too fast cell division by self destruction of such cells. In most cancers P53 is hijacked and mutated by cancer to not only stop its vital tumor suppressor activity but also convert it to help oncogenesis. So cancers convert a lethal enemy into a slave. Fenbendazole downregulates negative regulators of P53 and promotes stable transcriptional activity – basically reactivating the hijacked and redundant P53 gene and its production of tumor suppressor proteins.

5. Fenbendazole also downregulates glycolitic enzymes crucial for cancer cell survival. Basically because cancer cells undergo feverish activity they need a lot of glucose for powering these furious actions. If this supply of glucose is disrupted in anyway cancer cells would die due to all loss of energy. 

6. Many drugs do succeed but the cancer cell causes overexpression of MDR-1 gene leading to more production of p-glycoprotein. This results in drug resistance so all the benefit seen initially with a drug against cancer begins to fade away. In the case of Fenbendozole it is not a Pgp substrate so does not succumb to drug resistance. 

7. Other drugs are efficacious against some cancers, avoid drug resistance too but turn out to be toxic to healthy cells beyond certain doses. This limits their use. Fenbendazole is not toxic and very well tolerated at the dose required for eliminating cancers. 

The above combination of fortuitous factors enables Fenbendazole to show such miraculous success in completely eliminating cancers. So why isn’t this made available to all cancer patients as a prescription drug? Well as it can not be patented no big Pharma has any interest in spending huge amounts of money getting such FDA approval. That’s why this paper from Stanford is valuable as it gives credibility to Fenbendazole and allows some doctors to consider it as an adjuvant therapy for terminally ill cancer patients.

So how did it all start for Fenbendazole against cancer and just who is Joe Tippens?:

Joe Tippens has a successful career in finance and private equity so one can count him as a credible source. He was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer in 2016. He was being treated at MD Anderson hospital but his cancer had metastasized and spread to his neck, right lung, stomach, liver, bladder, pancreas and tail bone. Joe was told in 2017 that he had only 3 months to live. In all such stories there is always some instance that makes you feel was UT destiny? He noticed a post on a sports board simply saying if you have cancer contact me. Now the person who posted it, a veterinarian, was known to Joe from many years so he immediately called him. He told Joe that a scientist at Merck Animal Health had performed cancer research on mice and stumbled upon a veterinarian drug that was destroying various cancers fully. That Merck scientist herself got diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer was also told like Joe that you have no hope and 3 months to live. The scientist started taking the veterinary medicine called Panacur-C which had in its 1 gram, 222gms of Fenbendozole as the active ingredient. Six weeks later she was cancer free. So hearing this story Joe began to take it for 3 days with 4 days holiday then take it again for three days and so on along with bioavailable curcumin and CBD oil taken every day from 3rd week of January 2017. He had no side effects at all and now believes that Fenbendazole of similar dose can be taken everyday without a break of 4 days. When he took a PET scan on May 2017 at the hospital his oncologist was shocked to see an all clear scan! In Joe’s own words:


                             Joe Tippens

"Are you kidding me? 3 months earlier, In January, my PET lit up like a Christmas tree.  There was cancer in my body from head to toe.  And it was a terrifyingly dangerous metastasis that leaves virtually 100% of its victims dead within 3 months.  Here I was 3 months later and the PET scan was completely dark......void of any light.....anywhere.”

Joe continues to take Fenbendozole and continues to remain cancer free till date. When created a blog https://www.mycancerstory.rocks/home/categories/my-story it created a global storm with Panacur-C running out of stock. His story is what also inspired the 3 patients in the Stanford paper mentioned above to take Fenbendazole.  While he has compiled around 50 success stories with Fenbendazole other than him he does mention that he has come across a few that did not show much response with it. So it is not a total cancer cure. But for every late stage cancer patient, with its safety profile, question is why should they not try it?